As you journey through the vast desert, an unexpected oasis awaits your arrival. Picture yourself in awe as you encounter a harmonious scene – a camel gracefully grazing alongside rows of majestic palm trees. The Desert Duo brings this captivating experience to life, offering a simple yet thrilling adventure through the Sahara, Mojave or wherever your imagination takes you.
Create a fun camel and palm tree duo that showcases the Connecto™ Lynx™ in action and what it can really do! Comes with 6 Connecto™ Lynx™ pieces in total.

As you journey through the vast desert, an unexpected oasis awaits your arrival. Picture yourself in awe as you encounter a harmonious scene – a camel gracefully grazing alongside rows of majestic palm trees. The Desert Duo brings this captivating experience to life, offering a simple yet thrilling adventure through the Sahara, Mojave or wherever your imagination takes you.
Create a fun camel and palm tree duo that showcases the Connecto™ Lynx™ in action and what it can really do! Comes with 6 Connecto™ Lynx™ pieces in total.

Farco ToyCo LLC
90 State Street
Suite 700, Office 40
Albany, New York 12207